During the “Come Follow Me”  message series, we have asked staff and church members to submit their thoughts concerning the upcoming message. Our thinking is that their thoughts might spur something within you. Plus, we hope that you will get a glimpse into their lives and enjoy them as much as we do. So sit back, grab a warm cup of coffee and enjoy!

You are a leader

by Laura Rath


This week in our “Come Follow Me” message series, we are talking about the first part of our mission mandate “Leading ordinary people to an extraordinary life in Christ.”

Leading means to go before or with someone to show the way, to guide in direction, course, or action.

Jesus led his disciples, showing and teaching them in everything He did. After Jesus’ death and resurrection, the disciples became the leaders, equipped through the Holy Spirit, and yet, they were still being led because they continued to follow Jesus.

We are called to follow Jesus…and we are called to lead others to Jesus. Like the disciples, we are led and leading others, equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Maybe you don’t think of yourself as a leader. I didn’t used to. Years ago, I was a stay-at-home mom with a toddler. Everyday. All day long. I didn’t feel like I was leading anyone anywhere, but looking back, I know now that I was leading my young daughter by example.

I recently read this by author Lysa TerKeurst…

If you are influencing people, you are a leader. You may not stand before crowds or be the next Kay Arthur, but in some way, God will use you to lead others through your influence in their life.” – Author Lysa TerKeurst, What Happens When Women Walk in Faith

Think about who you influence. It might be your children, grandchildren, co-workers, peers, friends, parents, and even the person you encounter in the grocery store. Can others see what Jesus means to you? Can they see how He’s changed your life?

Leading is teaching, but it’s also influencing others by being an example in how we act, react, and live our lives.

Do you think of yourself as a leader?

If you struggle with the idea of leading others to Christ, think about your day-to-day interactions and relationships…in what ways are you influencing others without even realizing it?

When you think about being equipped through the Holy Spirit, does it encourage you to think of yourself as a leader?

How does that confidence change your actions and the way you live?

A little bit about Laura:

IMG_0218Hi, I’m Laura Rath. I’m the Assistant to the Senior Pastor at Gloria Dei, a position that allows me to be involved in many ministry areas of the church. Outside of the church, I’m a writer, blogging at Laura Rath ~ Journey in Faith, a monthly contributor for 5 Minutes for Faith, and a regular contributor for both the Gloria Dei blog and Next Level Mama. I’m passionate about sharing my faith in Christ and encouraging others to pursue a personal relationship with Him.

I enjoy learning more about God and His great love for us, spending time with my husband and daughter, reading, writing, and hosting online Bible studies for women several times a year.